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Chicky Read


Kindness is natural to us. Being kind to each other is part of who we are, on a genetic level and on a spiritual level. ‘Survival of the fittest’ has been misinterpreted for years and is seen as the fastest, strongest and most courageous succeed in life. But the ‘fittest’ is actually those who help, support, sacrifice and guide others for the greater good.

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Chicky Read

Yoga - “A Hindu Spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation”.

Yoga has been developed for people to train the body and mind to observe ones-self and to become aware of their own nature. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you want a more physically demanding class or an easy, relaxing, meditative class, there is a style of yoga for you.

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Chicky Read

It has often been said that those who live by the sea are healthier, happier and more content in life.

For a long time it has been thought that being in/near the sea has many health benefits. Historically, doctors instructed their patients to go to the seaside to improve various illnesses. ‘Thalassotherapy’ is the use of seawater as a form of therapy. In the late 16th century, English physicians recommended the healing effects of cold water for everything from heat stroke to melancholy. It was believed that a brisk shock of cold water stimulated the entire body.

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Chicky Read

The environmental impact on the planet of using organic cotton over regular cotton is a lot less damaging however to reduce your impact further you should try to buy durable, quality organic cotton products which will last longer and not need replacing as often. Here at SHUG Yoga we have carefully sourced our Organic Cotton fabric for our first batch of fabulous SHUGs, not only for its environmental benefits but also for its durability, comfort and quality....

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Chicky Read

Meditation helps us to be less in our head and to be more aware of the present moment. We can tend to get caught up in our thoughts, especially at bedtime, a time when we suddenly stop and are still. Meditation for sleep is a guided experience that offers a natural sleep aid on its own, allowing us to let go of the days trials and tribulations so that we can rest our minds while resting the body.

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Chicky Read


Inner Sanctuary is a place of inner peace. By taking the time to be quiet, breath deeply, sit still and to focus on something completely tailored to yourself is the best thing I have found to do to help myself relax and relieve my tensions. It is essentially a style of meditation, it is easy, quick and I find it fun to do. Some days my Inner Sanctuary changes, it all depends on my current mood, what I have seen and experienced recently but that's OK and all part of the process.

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