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Chicky Read

Has the novelty worn off yet?

For many I know, the initial excitement in being told to stay home and watch Netflix has definitely given way to itchy feet.

Whilst we go through these unsettling and scary times and the extra time spent indoors, we may experience our mental health deteriorating. A lack of structure, motivation, normality and places to escape to can cause us to feel lost and unproductive…

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Chicky Read

Meditation is a practice where the individual uses techniques such as focusing their mind on a particular thought, activity or object, to train attention and awareness and therefore achieve a clearer mind and a calm, stable emotional state.

There are many guided meditation videos, music, sounds for various types of meditation - sleep, concentration, clarity, tranquility etc.

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Chicky Read

Incase you didn’t know it was International Yoga Day on Friday 21st June. So for that reason I have linked a few yoga YouTube channels below for you to have a look at.

Give one of these lovely ladies’ sessions a go and maybe you’ll find something new or challenge yourself. Their videos range from beginner to advanced, so there is something for everyone.

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Chicky Read

Feng Shui is one of the oldest design ideas around. The ancient study of 'good energy flow' (literal translation) is so integral to eastern design that it is considered at every single design stage and can sometimes drastically change year to year. The aim of Feng Shui simply is the understanding of how we live, and how we connect with the spaces we inhabit. The main focus is the well being of every single occupier, controlling the flow of energy surrounding us to create calming and relaxing spaces - the very best spaces you can make in your home.

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Chicky Read

Journal therapy is a form of expressive therapy and focuses on the writer’s thoughts and feelings, it is used to help writers better understand life's issues and how they can cope with these issues or fix them. This therapy style works by enabling the writer to gain mental and emotional clarity and come to a deeper understanding of themselves. As with other forms of therapy, journal therapy can be used to heal a writers emotional problems or help to work through a trauma.

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Chicky Read

I’m writing this post sat outside in the sun after having such a lovely, slow Sunday, outside in the sunshine. We started the day off by wandering into town and getting a coffee, sitting out in warm morning sun. Then headed to Trelissick for a walk with the pup, meeting lots of lovely dogs and their owners. After our walk we sat and talked about how everyone seems so much happier in the sunshine, why is this? I did a bit of research and read about Seasonal Affective Disorder.

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